National treasure hunt
(Inspired by the 7 principles document created by American Heritage School)
Thomas Jefferson (Front door)
My name is Thomas Jefferson and Today is my birthday. But instead of receiving a gift from you I want to give you a gift instead. Today I want you to find the seven principles of liberty. I promise you that if you find these seven principles and if you practice them in your lives that you will experience the greatest happiness and growth that you possibly can in this life.
My colleagues and I discovered these seven principles and founded this country upon them. In fact I wrote a document that describes the first principle very well. To find this document you must go to the rock. The rock because it is the foundation of all of the other principles.
(Children find declaration of independence by a big rock in the front yard)
George Washington (by Boulder in the front yard)
My name is George Washington and you have discovered the first principle of liberty which is "divine identity and purpose". This principle means that we are all children of Heavenly Father and that we each have a unique divine purpose. Understanding our divine identity and purpose is central to obtaining and protecting liberty. It's what allows us to achieve our divine potential through Christ. That's what we meant when we wrote this statement into The Declaration of Independence "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
In order to receive the next clue you must recite this truth about divine identity. Repeat after me..." I will learn all I can about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost and seek to fulfill my divine purpose. I will honor that individuality and agency of others."
Now that you understand the principle of divine identity and purpose you are ready to find the next principle. People often tell a story about me from when I was a boy. The story isn't necessarily fact but because I was known for my character it's something that could have happened. The story involved self-control and honesty and a tree that grows very yummy small red fruit. You'll find the next clue under that same tree
(children find the next clue under my cherry tree where small plates of cherry pie are waiting for them)
Benjamin Franklin (waiting under cherry tree)
My name is Benjamin Franklin and you have discovered the principle of Christlike character. This principle means that Jesus Christ is the standard of character and the model of all virtues. Through his atonement we can become like him. As we seek to develop Christlike character, our actions will reflect Christian values like humility, faith, charity, courage, self government, virtue, industry and wisdom. As a young adult I kept a record of the many christlike attributes I was trying to obtain. What are you doing to develop your Christlike character in order to preserve our liberty?
You will be ready to receive the next clue when you say this after me. "I will come unto Christ and receive His grace to develop Christlike character. I will seek to study and emulate the models of Christian character found in America's heritage"
To find the next clue read the clues written on the bottom of your plates
(on the bottom of the plates is written... You will find me under at the table where liberty is studied and learned)
John Adams (basement school table)
My name is John Adams and you have found the principle of Christian self government. This principle means that our Father in Heaven endowed each of his children with the freedom to choose. When we choose to be governed by Jesus Christ we become free to reach our divine potential. We can govern in a Christlike way only as we seek to live his law and receive His Grace.
The king of England tried to take away our privilege to choose to do the right thing for ourselves. We wanted the right to grow by making our own choices. Will you choose to obey the teachings of Jesus Christ and allow him to govern in your life?
You will be ready for the next clue when you say this after me. " I will choose to obey the teachings of Jesus Christ and allow him to govern my life. I will exercise and honor righteous authority."
To find the next clue you must climb the ladder to the highest level of lofty grandeur.
Abigail Adams (loft of fun barn)
My name is Abigail Adams and you have found the principle of conscience. Conscience is the most sacred of all property. All that is in heaven and earth is the Lords. God has granted a stewardship over individual souls, labor, and possessions. The most sacred stewardship God has given us is conscience. Each of us is accountable to Him for our stewardships. As we follow the light of Christ with in us, we will experience liberty of conscience and increased capacity to follow him. This is the foundation of true liberty. I found this to be true as I counseled with my husband. I worked hard to cultivate my conscience to the highest level so that I could give him inspired advice as he served our country. What are you doing to improve your conscience? You'll be ready for the next clue when you recite this after me. "I will educate my conscience by faith, study, and obedience to God's laws and the promptings of the Holy Ghost. I will respect the inalienable rights of conscience of all people."
To find the next clue you must light the fire within and let liberty ring (children find Liberty Bell next to the fireplace)
William Bradford (next to fireplace)
My name is William Bradford and you have found the principle of accountability. All men are accountable to God for their actions. Christian government is designed to protect God-given rights so that all may be accountable to God and have liberty to develop an express Christian character. A Christian form of government derives its powers from self governed individuals. When individuals are God Govern first, then they restrain themselves from exercising inappropriate power over other people. God holds men accountable for their acts in relation to government both in the making and in the administering of laws. That is why it was so important to me to write the mayflower compact on our way to Virginia in order to organize ourselves to the glory of God!
You will be ready to receive the next clue when you say this after me...
"I am accountable to God for the choices I make. As a government itself, I will have liberty to develop an express Christian character. I will support and encourage my government and its efforts to protect the rights of life, conscience, and property."
You will find the next clue hidden in the Mayflower on the horizon (copy of Mayflower compact in toy ship at the top of the hill)
Patrick Henry (next to toy ship at the top of the hill)
My name is Patrick Henry and you have discovered the principle of cultivating Christian self government in others. God has given us the commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves. Christ followers are obligated to cultivate and protect the right of self government for all mankind. Governmental decisions that are made at the most personal or local level preserve liberty and accountability. As individuals experience the love and power of God, they seek to bless others with the happiness and liberty that result from being governed by God. As we work to maintain liberty for others our own liberty is strengthened. I risked my life by proclaiming "give me liberty or give me death" to all those around me. What are you doing to protect the rights of self government for others? You will be ready to receive the next clue when you recite this after me. " I will serve others and encourage them to allow God to govern their lives. I will protect the rights of self government for others."
Yo will find the next clue in the tall hat of a president with a tall character.
Abraham Lincoln (at the bottom of the hill)
My name is Abraham Lincoln and you have discovered the principle of the fullness of liberty through unity with God and man. This principle holds the true keys of freedom. The ultimate purpose of gods plan of happiness is to enable us to become one with God, one with our families and one with our fellow man. This creates a fullness of liberty enjoy. As we keep our covenants with God the atonement of Jesus Christ and enables us to become one with God and others. Through unity with God and others followers of Christ magnify their divine potential to accomplish the will of God. Uniting with others under a Christian form of government enables the civic economic and personal liberty of individuals and families and magnifies the strength of the whole. My understanding of this principle Led me to fight for the freedom of the slaves that once lived in our country. What are you doing to keep the unity and freedom in our country. You will be ready to find our national treasure when you recite this after me. "I will keep the covenants I have made with God. I will stand for truth and righteousness and seek unity with the followers of Christ. I will be Christlike in my associations with all of Gods children."
Our national treasure is buried under a bush down the hill. It is your job to find it and uncover it and share it with the world!!
(Kids find the keys of liberty in a treasure box down the hill)
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