Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Some thoughts on Motherhood from my dear friend Marilyn Bazinet

Just was just named Utah's young Mother of the Year 2015...

200 words on how being a mother has impacted my life.

The opening sentence of a manuscript written by C. Terry Warner states, "The only change that matters is a change of heart."  By this Warner means that real change is always a fundamental change in our "hearts" (e.g. our will, our desires, our intent). I became a mother eleven years and 8 days ago.  No other event or relationship has had a greater impact on my life because my children offer me a constant stream of invitations to experience a change of heart.  My children invite me to be my best self.  They invite me to be kind and forgiving because they are kind and forgiving with me.  They invite me to find joy in mundane things. They show me that life can be a continuous string of celebrations.  They invite me to listen carefully to their perspective and constantly look for solutions. They have taught me how much I want to know, love, and help them grow up to become happy people that love and serve others.  I am convinced that at the end of my life, the changes in my heart brought about because I became a mother, will bring me the greatest peace and joy.

Marilyn Bazinet

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